Developing a play friendly workforce webinar

Developing a play friendly workforce webinar 25 October 2022 (10:00am – 1:00pm) Online via Zoom

Wales – a Play Friendly Country, the Welsh Government statutory guidance on assessing and securing sufficient play opportunities, recognises the importance of an appropriately skilled workforce both for those working face-to-face with children and those whose work impacts on wherever children may play.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the delivery of qualifications and professional development opportunities. There is a need to refocus and plan ahead for future training opportunities in light of COVID-19.

This webinar is aimed at: play trainers and tutors, play sufficiency officers, childcare sufficiency officers and playworkers. FREE event

The webinar will provide opportunities to:
• explore the range of playwork qualifications available in Wales
• find out more about the qualification progression route for playworkers in Wales
• explore and share practical ideas to develop and implement workforce development plans.

This is a partnership webinar, delivered by Play Wales with Addysg Oedolion Cymru | Adult Learning Wales and Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids Clubs.

To book your place visit: