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Welcome to our resource centre

Our resource library for members contains hundreds of useful templates, guides and activities and we also make some resources available for use by parents/carers and those interested in finding out more about the Out of School Childcare sector.

We regularly update and add to our resource library and welcome feedback from our community of clubs, children and families with regards to ways that we can adapt, improve or develop additional content to support the sector across Wales.

The LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales

This information [Accessed May 2024] is aimed at supporting the reader, whether that be a child, parents/ careers or Playworkers, […]

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Y Bont Summer 2024

Welcome to the Summer edition of our newsletter!    Our theme for this edition is A summer to remember    

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Playday Pack

The Playday planning pack has arrived! Between now and Playday on 7th August we will be sharing play suggestions and […]

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Using Special Themes to Boost Your Numbers in Club

Need to increase attendance at your club? When Bethan’s numbers dropped on a certain day, she realised she needed to […]

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National Club Survey 2023

Our National Club survey (Autumn 2023) asked all Out of School Childcare Clubs across Wales to respond to a survey […]

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Y Bont Spring 2024

Welcome to the Spring edition of our newsletter!    Our theme for this edition is Nature    

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Playing Outdoors and Exploring Nature Resources

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Playing Out with the Elements Resource Cards

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Den Building Guide

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Nature Zone Resource Pack

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Meet OSCA 2.0 the Out of School Childcare Assessment to help improve quality

Would you like tailored support to make your childcare service the best it can be?  Meet OSCA. OSCA or our […]

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Welsh Posters


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Playwork Training Podcasts

Risky Play Podcast Welcome to our first ever Podcast, this podcast forms part of our series of Playwork Training Podcasts; […]

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Safeguarding Alphabet

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, so here are prompts to keep in fresh in all our minds.  

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Y Bont Winter 2023

Welcome to the Winter edition of our newsletter!    Our theme for this edition is The Role of the Playworker    

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The benefits and role of Out of School Childcare Clubs in Community Focused Schools

Listen here to the benefits of Out of School Clubs and how they offer opportunities for the 3 key elements […]

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Impact Report 2022-23

We are pleased to present our Impact Report for 2022-2023. Read about the impact our organisation has continued to make, […]

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Hear from Care Inspectorate Wales on the Refreshed National Minimum Standards: bitesized learning

Thank you to Ceri Herbert, Care Inspectorate Wales Senior Manager, Childcare and Play Team, who presented on the Refreshed NMS […]

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Press Play on your Playwork Career

If you are interested in getting your Playwork career started or are looking to develop further, we have developed some […]

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10 ways for Successful Interviews

Making sure you employ the right person is the primary focus within an interview process. Whilst interview candidates obviously have […]

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Health and Well-being Resources

Here is a collection of some of our health and well-being resources. Well-Being Hwb coming soon    

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