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What is Playday?

Playday is the national day for play, traditionally held on the first Wednesday in August.

It is the biggest play sector event in the UK, and possibly Europe! As well as a celebration of children’s right to play, Playday is a campaign that highlights the importance of play in children’s lives. Playday is coordinated by Play England, in partnership with Play Wales, Play Scotland and PlayBoard Northern Ireland.

A bit of history
Back in 1986, rumours were rife of imminent cuts on school-based play centres and adventure playgrounds in London. In response, a group of playworkers called a meeting to see what they could do. Not many turned up, but unperturbed Mick Conway, Paul Bonel and Kim Holdaway put their heads together and came up with the notion of having a day for play.

From just a couple of events in 1987, Playday grew to around a dozen in London by 1989, went national in 1991 and is now the biggest celebration of children’s play in the UK, if not Europe. Last year communities across the UK celebrated Playday at hundreds of events.

Playday is the national day for play, traditionally held on the first Wednesday in August.

It is the biggest play sector event in the UK, and possibly Europe! As well as a celebration of children’s right to play, Playday is a campaign that highlights the importance of play in children’s lives. Playday is coordinated by Play England, in partnership with Play Wales, Play Scotland and PlayBoard Northern Ireland.






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