15.06.2023 |
Funding Opportunities
We are delighted to share with you some funding opportunities. Don’t forget that we can support you in completing applications, so please get in touch if you need our help!
Ford Britain Trust
Working with our local communities to sow the seeds of change.
We are committed to supporting the communities that we work and live in. That is why we created the Ford Britain Trust. Since April 1975 we have been able to help fund the education and advancement of our neighbours.
We pay special attention to projects focusing on education, environment, children, the disabled, youth activities and projects that provide clear benefits to the local communities close to our UK locations. The Ford Britain Trust particularly encourages applications supported by Ford employees, but is open to all, provided that the qualifying organisations meet our selection criteria.
There are two types of grants to apply for- small grants for amounts up to £250 and large grants for amounts over £250 to £3,000. See their website for more details. The Ford Britain Trust | Ford UK
Glamorgan Voluntary Services is delighted to announce that applications are now open for the 2023/24 Youth Led Grant fund. The grant can fund youth volunteering projects and activities that take place in the Vale of Glamorgan up to a maximum of £1500.
The aim of the grant is to prioritise delivery of volunteering opportunities with, and for, a diverse range of young people (aged 14 – 25) and to deliver positive outcomes under the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, which are:
- A prosperous Wales
- A resilient Wales
- A more equal Wales
- A healthier Wales
- A Wales of cohesive communities
- A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language
- A globally responsive Wales
The deadline for submitted applications is Friday 27th October 2023
Funding is available for a youth volunteering project or activity in the Vale — GVS
Challenge Wales is currently seeking funding in order to expand its provision for young people, in response to the perceived needs of the current social and financial climate. And, is currently looking for new partners to look at working with, in addition to its current partners.
We are looking on building on this previous project and at this stage are after the input of groups who work with young people with mental health issues to make sure we understand the needs of the young people. There is also an opportunity to get involved in the project at a later date. The survey takes 6 -7 minutes to complete and you can complete it here: https://s.surveyplanet.com/xs25x3g0; we would really appreciate if you could do so by 15th June 2023.
Blue Space Activity – Potential Funded Opportunity — GVS
The Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant scheme is now open for applications. You can apply via WCVA’s Multi-purpose Application Portal (MAP).
Grant aims
This fund will enable a small number of strategic investments to build on and learn from new or enhanced approaches to volunteering across Wales since the pandemic. We aim to enable the progress that has been made during the pandemic to be further explored and ‘hard wired’ into ongoing work.
Grants of £50,000 – £100,000 are available for projects of up to 18 months.
For information about the scheme and guidance on how to register on MAP, please visit the webpage.
The deadline for applications is 21 July 2023 11.59 pm.