07.10.2022 |
Awareness Days
World Mental Health Day – 10 October 2022
The theme for this year’s World Mental Health day is ‘making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’. The campaign is asking for you to look after ‘Number 1’ when it comes to your mental health. You could make time for a ‘Power Hour’ in your workplace and have a ‘Big Mental Health Get Together’, reflecting, or team building. 1 in 4 people will be affected by a mental health problem and Mental Health UK have numerous resources and guides to help you make your mental health your priority.
National Coming Out Day (NCOD) – 11 October 2022
National Coming Out Day is celebrated annually on the 11th of October. It an LGBTQIA+ awareness day that is celebrated to support members of the LGBTQIA+ community to ‘come out’. One of its core beliefs is that homophobia and shame thrive when people are silent and therefore ‘coming out’ is an important act of self-recognition and activism. Stonewall offers support and more information about LGBTQIA+ matters and has more information on the NCOD and what you can do to support the community.
Bring your Teddy Bear to Work/School Day – 13 October 2022
Bring your Teddy Bear to Work/School is a day set aside to cuddle with your teddy bear at work or school. Although the national day is celebrated mainly in the USA, we think it’s a great idea as it reminds people that there is nothing wrong with being comforted every now and then. It will also brighten up your day at work or school by having the comfort of your favourite bear to lend a helping paw.